Friday, April 16, 2010

April Showers Love

It has struck me this week how very blessed I am to have people in my life that love me, but maybe even more importantly, love my child. I'll be honest...I'm not a KID kind of person, so the fact that we have so many people that genuinely love my child and (gasp) remember her name and ask me about her, even though we don't even see them on a regular basis, kind of floors me...and me makes me a little ashamed that I am not more engaged in others around me. I'm selfish.

So, here are some pictures of a most-unselfish friend, Shelley. She is really Evie's godmother of sorts (though we're not catholic). She is certainly Evie's godmother in a fairy-like way in that she bestows all kinds of wonderful things on Evie, including hugs and kisses.

a build-a-bear, complete with a matching outfit and "single ladies" music box


Rian Krommenhoek said...

Coy and Kees loved seeing the picture of "our Evan". Oh we miss you guys, even the brawl in the backseat on the way to music class. Give Evan a squeeze from us too.

carol said...

Hi, just checking in! I didn't get my Andy fix this July. What a bummer! I think you two plus Evan are simply perfection in the cutest forms possible! Much love, Carol Christensen