Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Is blogging weird or what?

So, I was just embarking on what I had intended to be a quick perusal of my friends and family's blogs and got totally captured. I was actually stunned (in a good way) at the realization of what people are sharing.

It occurred to me that blogging might be a bit weird. Here we are, all spilling our guts and our lives onto a website for everyone to see. I have to say I love it. It would be great if I could sit down with all of you and find out the intimate details of your lives, but honestly no one has the time. And even if we did have the time, would we really talk about some of the things we are writing about? I don't think we would. I love looking at pictures of friend's kids growing up, moms sharing their ideas and woes and inspirations, folks heartaches and triumphs. When you look at all of this you can really see that life is complicated, but it really is beautiful. Wow. I am grateful that all of y'all let me take a peek into what is going on with you. When I read your blogs I hear your voices as if you were speaking to me. And then when I see you at church or wherever and you give me a quick "I'm fine." I feel like I know a little more about why that may or may not be completely true.

Well, I just wanted to say thanks for sharing friends!

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