Friday, February 15, 2008


My husband survey:

1. What is his name? Anthony Leonard Howell. He never goes by Tony, it is Andy. His Mom didn't like the Andrew, but liked the name Andy, so she just made up her own rules. I'm glad she did.

2. How long have we been together? We celebrate our 8 year anniversary in May!

3. How long did you date? Not very long. I met Andy Thanksgiving week on 1999. We went out on about two dates and did alot of hanging out before Christmas and I just knew that we would get married. Shortly thereafter we broke up and Andy would say we never got back together, we were just friends who got married 5 months later.

4. Who eats more? Right now it is tough to say. I like to eat. I definitely have much more of a sweet tooth and Andy has a bigger appetite for Whoppers. Unfortunately, I always appear to be the one who eats more--why can guys get away with it?

5.Who said I love you first? I think Andy. I think it was after I told him I thought we were going to get married that he said, "So, I guess it is safe now to tell you that I love you?"

6. Who has more speeding tickets? Shawn 0, Andy 10+?

7. Who is smarter? Andy. he is seriously the most intelligent person I know. I know I am partial, but he is really a genius. It makes me mad sometimes.

8.Who is more sensitive? Duh. I am definitely the crier in the family.

9. Who usually wins the fights? Answering this may cause a fight. I would say we don't have fights, we have negotiations. It really can get quite ridiculous sometimes. "Andy, I would ask you to qualify the statement you just made." "Please clarify your apology." "What exactly do you mean when you use that word?" It would probably make pretty good reality tv. Actually our last real fight was about two years ago that I can remember. It was a doozey that is why I remember it. As I recall, I would have to say that Andy "won" in that we went with the plan he was supporting, however, I think it should be set for a review 6 months from now for us to determine if his plan is still best.

10. Who does the laundry? I do.

11. Who does the dishes? Mostly I do.

12. Who sleeps on the right? Andy

13. Who pays the bills? We both do in that I bring home some bacon too. However, Andy actually sends in the checks. It would be too stressful for me. All I know is that I bring home a paycheck and the bills magically get paid.

14. Who mows the lawn? The boy across the street. Maybe I can farm out some of my domestic responsibilities, Andy!

15. Who cooks? MMM, McDonald's? I do. Except for french toast. That is Andy's favorite and I think it's gross, so he is on his own.

16. Who drives when we're together? Always Andy.

17. Who is more stubborn? Hmm, that is tough. We are both pretty stubborn, but luckily neither of us like fighting or not talking.

18. Who kissed who first? I think it was mutual, but Andy was the one who initiated it.

19. Who asked who out first? Andy asked me out first, but I gave him my number.

20. Who proposed? That is kind of a tricky question. Technically I am the crazy person who brought up marriage first. Then Andy actually asked me later, twice, when I wouldn't answer him the first time. I was actually pretty mad he was asking because as I mentioned before we were "broken up." We had a pretty stressful engagement.

21. Who has more siblings? Andy. He has 1 sister and 5 brothers. I have three brothers.

22. Who wears the pants? I wear the stretchy pants.


LittleFamilyJL said...

Ha ha ha. I love the pants answer. You gotta love maternity pants!

Tara said...

You guys are great! I would say John and I have "negotiations" too.

Suzanne said...

That was pretty comical. I never knew Andy's real name was Anthony, I just assumed it was Andrew. And I can imagine an argument between 2married lawyers could get pretty exhausting. And a "stressful engagment" is a very nice description. Miss you guys!

M and M Madsen said...

Shawn - hey! can you email me your email address so I can add you to my blog- I don't think I have it.


emH said...

I hope you know you got me hooked. Danny showed me your blog, and I've lapped up every word. Amen and Amen to the Guilt lecture- I even passed that on to a friend- I say now begging for your forgiveness, not permission.
Hooray for baby Howell coming soon. Howell Girls Rock.