Friday, July 18, 2008

Evan's First National Park

We went to Zion National Park for the Fourth and had a great time. It was Evie's first camping trip. She did great. There will definitely be more camping in her future.

We hiked Angel's Landing all the way to the top( with no stops). I carried Evan 5 steep miles round-trip. As we came off the Devil's back bone, a group of about 20 hikers applauded and one exclaimed, "Now there's a woman!" Of course Evan slept the entire time, woke up for a picture at the top, and snoozed the entire time down. What a life!

From breast to CamelBack, that's my girl!

First public swim: in a frog pond of course!

My lovely scratch thanks to the swim-hole trail.


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

You are the woman. Good for you. why wasn't Andy carrying her? Looks like a fun trip. Miss you guys.

Shawn said...

I carried Evie because I wanted to burn the extra calories. :)

emH said...

I love the drooly chin in the first picture. I absolutely want to just hug that little girl and tell her how lucky she is to be born, especially to parents who will show her all the beauties of the earth and how to take care of them. Love it all.